Oct 13, 2008

00:00 Hours

It's the spirit hour folks!

Yes Sir! Yes Mam! This is at the ungodly hour in the morning when the losers of the world sit online waiting for someone, anyone, everyone to come online. They put spirits inside them and blow out sweet smoke and get ready to pour their guts out in streams of zeros and ones. 

Bits, bytes and datastreams of emotions flying all over the internet and everyone loves it. 'We are communicating,' they say, 'thou shalt not disturb us!'

They spend their day for these moments, these rabid desires that make them want to 'communicate'. The rope of their life held together by this fucked up desire to be alone and yet, be wanted, be missed, be kissed, be fucked.

By someone. By anyone. By everyone.

They love it.


This might be about me, this might be about you, this might be about anyone or everyone of us.

Tomorrow, we sum up the sum of past seven days. Hope I will see you here tomorrow.



  1. Let's not generalise :P I'm always online at midnight and I'm glad when my friends are online because I'm in office, working, and any distraction is welcome, especially when deadline time is approaching :P

  2. true, for me it is...sometimes, I sit on the internet waiting for people to come online! :) but you have to agree that communication via internet rocks :D

  3. hmmph. read people without lives!! ME that is! i sit in front of the comp waiting for miracles till 4am in the morning!
    oh and beat this. last night my net link was down so i decided to surf the net through my goddamned cell phone..why? coz i wanted to check what N had served his readers!!
    keep rocking!

  4. MadlyInLove...very interesing. That's two words. I win!

    Dropper...Right on kiddo, I'm gonna tell your editor. Better get back to Quarking ;)

    Shmoo... he he he. Ask me what your icon looks like, cuz I want to tell.

    QB...ditto! but then again, depends on your definition of communication ;) talking isn't it, nor is chatting. :)

    Jadis...thanks love, readers like you make it worth doing what I do :)

    Super thanks to everyone here. I got to write a thank you post for you all now :)


  5. Cool points made here, and I find it odd that so many people sit around like that waiting for someone, anyone the whole wide world over to come online... therefore they are online, but yet nobody is online.

