*edit - I wrote this post on July 31, 2010. Many of these topics might be done, but you can always give your take on them. Enjoy!
Just on a whim, just to prove a point to myself, just to remove at least one of your excuses to write, I wrote 100 probable blog topic guidelines. These are guidelines, not verbatim post titles. If you write a post on any of these titles or related subject matters and you'd like me to send some reader your way, leave a link in the comments are i'll update the post. I agree that some of these ideas might have been explored before, but hey, you can't have everything. Oh, and i wrote these topics in some 40 mins, cuz i got a call in between. Enjoy, or not. Some of these topic might be offensive, you're free to get offended in that case, and I am free to completely ignore your offensedness.
Just on a whim, just to prove a point to myself, just to remove at least one of your excuses to write, I wrote 100 probable blog topic guidelines. These are guidelines, not verbatim post titles. If you write a post on any of these titles or related subject matters and you'd like me to send some reader your way, leave a link in the comments are i'll update the post. I agree that some of these ideas might have been explored before, but hey, you can't have everything. Oh, and i wrote these topics in some 40 mins, cuz i got a call in between. Enjoy, or not. Some of these topic might be offensive, you're free to get offended in that case, and I am free to completely ignore your offensedness.
1 | Leave your cellphone at home you don't need it |
2 | Why aliens shouldn't come to india |
3 | The benefits of being Indian |
4 | There is no spoon |
5 | Five reasons why bollywood is a fail |
6 | Five reasons why hollywood is a fail |
7 | Stop reading newspapers |
8 | How to create an atmosphere to write |
9 | Taking care of fish is a tough job |
10 | Living without tv |
11 | Become a better liar |
12 | Stop talking on the phone, text instead |
13 | Saving power by avoiding bath in winter |
14 | My hostel days were the best |
15 | My hostel days were the worst |
16 | My Dad is stronger than your dad |
17 | Food cooked by Mom's hand |
18 | You can't get taller |
19 | Good things come in good packages, not small. |
20 | The world will make you its slave |
21 | Is life all about doing a job? |
22 | Leave a mark when you die |
23 | Death is but another journey |
24 | Nostalgia about old music |
25 | Black White movies were awesome, why? |
26 | There are no pretty female leads in bollywood today |
27 | Why you should watch a movie every weekend |
28 | How to break free of the society's clutches |
29 | Why having a moral code is important |
30 | Six people I want to kill |
31 | Tears taste awesome |
32 | What is blood tasted sweet |
33 | Why vampires should not sparkle |
34 | Getting a dog is better than making babies, discuss. |
35 | Why AIDS is good for human population |
36 | Ten ways to act like an utter asshole |
37 | Seven people you never wanna meet |
38 | Stereotypes In Cities |
39 | The Universe is a big ball of shit |
40 | Anger issues and dealing with them creatively |
41 | How to fund your cocaine habit |
42 | Ten reasons why fish are awesome pets |
43 | How to start a black metal band |
44 | Face paint is the new black |
45 | Men are stupid |
46 | Women are stupid |
47 | Children are stupid |
48 | Dogs are very stupid |
49 | Why cats don't give a damn about humans |
50 | Rap is music? Discuss |
51 | How to kill Wolverine |
52 | Comics are the new novels |
53 | Building a cheaper tomorrow |
54 | How to be less of a burden on the planet |
55 | Why cycling to work will not be successful in India |
56 | Kill your car |
57 | Apple Products are overrated? Discuss. |
58 | Gay people are attention hungry. |
59 | Social activism is dead, they're in it for the limelight |
60 | Staying silent is best for you |
61 | How to fire your boss |
62 | True Zen is NO ZEN |
63 | There is not path to peace, STFU. |
64 | People are problem. Why? |
65 | They just want my money, they don't love me. |
66 | If Predators had a 9to5 job. |
67 | Chilling out : Xtreme Sessions |
68 | Voluntarily Slowing down Internet can Help you Focus |
69 | YouTube is waste of time |
70 | Superman In India: Success of Suck? |
71 | How to live with less attention |
72 | Some people should be shot dead |
73 | Some get medals for living, some for dying |
74 | Fat people are good liars. How? |
75 | Leg pulling on twitter. Is it justified? |
76 | Biting Back when you are bitten. Doing it gracefully. |
77 | A six pack is a sign that you're wasting your life. |
78 | We're all gonna die, so why bother? |
79 | Simplification is overrated. |
80 | Iphone vs Blackberry. Touchscreen or buttons? |
81 | Would the planet's end be warm or frozen? Imagine. |
82 | Smoking is not sexy. |
83 | 9 Ways to have sexy sex. |
84 | 10 things men do wrong when dating |
85 | Why do women expect so much from men and vice versa |
86 | I killed a unicorn and I liked it. |
87 | Babies are evil. Explain. |
88 | How to get over downloader's guilt |
89 | Eating Meat is wrong because animals are cute. |
90 | Would you eat a human baby? |
91 | What if you are attacked by cute but rabid human babies? |
92 | Why you should have a moral code |
93 | What mark will you leave on the face of the planet? |
94 | Live slow, die old. Do you agree? |
95 | Anger as a motivating force. How? |
96 | Alternate uses of empty water bottles. |
97 | Creating an idea dump is necessary |
98 | What if mermaids were truth. |
99 | Is the FBI/CIA really watching you? |
100 | Names are important. How? |